
Mostrando las entradas de enero, 2015

What is Industrial Design?

Los ejercicios profesionales como las profesiones mismas se transforman en el tiempo. Este año la IDSA nos propone una visión de la posible definición de lo que es diseño industrial contemporáneamente. Es importante señalar que definir no es necesariamente indicar la realidad. Aún así, tener referentes para la discusión sigue siendo importante. La IDSA propone entonces: "Industrial Design (ID) is the professional service of creating products and systems that optimize function, value and apperance for the mutual benefit of both user and manufacturer. Industrial designers develop products and systems through collection analysis and synthesis of data guided by the special requirements of their client and manufacturer. They prepare clear and concise recommendations through drawings, models, and descriptions. Industrial designers improve as well as create, and they often work within multi-disciplinary groups that include management, marketing, engineering and manufacturing speci...