Cuba's DIY Inventions from 30 Years of Isolation

Una vez más el diseñador Ernesto Oroza (Cuba) nos muestra algunos de los objetos adaptados, al mejor estilo de los animales en evolución, reacondicionados a la situación de emergencia (emergente) de la Cuba de últimos años del siglo 20. Un breve video titulado: Desobediencia Tecnológica, muy acertado por cierto.

In 1991, Cuba's economy began to implode. "The Special Period in the Time of Peace" was the government's euphemism for what was a culmination of 30 years worth of isolation. It began in the 60s, with engineers leaving Cuba for America. Ernesto Oroza, a designer and artist, studied the innovations created during this period. He found that the general population had created homespun, Frankenstein-like machines for their survival, made from everyday objects. Oroza began to collect these machines, and would later contextualize it as "art" in a movement he dubbed "Technological Disobedience."


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